
This package is a port of RGrace to new GTK2 interface which is now complete thanks to Michael Lawrence RGtk2 package. Most fetures described on RGrace's page still holds true and the main improvements are in the interface look and fill.
Unlike RGrace this package is pure script and does not require compilation. Despite that it depends a lot on other packages like that of RGtk2 (which requires GTK2 with a version more than 2.10 and with glade support), cairoDevice and gtkDevice2 whose installation may prove to be tricky. The gtkDevice2 package (the patched version of ) is optional graphic device the RGorace does not depend on it but it may be more useful in some cases to use it.
gtkDevice can not use freetype fonts and can not smooth graphics but more stable than cairoDevice which has problems with long datasets'(more than 50000 points) due to a bug in cairo library. So you may install both and select one you like more then calling figure() command setting "ge" parameter as either "gdk" or "cairo". The last is the default and so cairoDevice is the required package.
There is also a bug with drowing of special math symbols on cairo device. This bug is fixed by the patch
gtkDevice2 - port of original gtkDevice to Gtk2.
RGorace - the package itself. Its interface you can see on screenshot below and pdf output.
