RGrace package for R Statistical System.

Note Please!

  This package is a replacement for older package Disgrace. RGrace works under R-1.9.1 and grid package shipped with it. If you use older version of R then you have 2 options - either upgrade or use Disgrace (although the support for this one is discontinued).


  RGrace is a package for creation of simple every-day diagramms and charts, although it is suited for production of publiction-quality scientific graphics. It combines easy to use point-and-click interface, ability to interact with graphic with mouse clicks and drags and possibility to incorporate rather sophisticated R-scripts in the process of plotting. It is written (almost) entirly in R language (as it heavily depends on environment() I think it is not compatible with S-language) and use GTK (ver. 1.2.x ) as a front end toolkit.

It is named after Grace charting application which I tried to emulate.


If you like screenshots I have some:
Simple chart with R-session in Emacs
Text annotations, multiple panels and postscript output.
Various data line styles and saved figure's file.
The same figure zoomed.
Fancy axis ticks labels in Russian.
Composite multilined text annotation AKA legend (ver. 0.2.4)
Pdf-file with outlined cyrillic fonts made from RPlots.ps with ps2pdf (ver. 0.2.5)
Main window with an Industrial theme and GTK2.0 toolkit (ver. 0.3-4)
Copying panels from example(ggplot) between different figures (ver. 0.4-3)
RGrace output over x11 graphic device(ver. 0.4-6)
Database interface (ver. 0.5-0)


To install RGrace package you need GTK-1.2 system library (www.gtk.org) already installed on your computer. Of course you will need R Statistical System and I highly recommend to install an Emacs Speaks Statistics package - it makes a process of developing R scripts under Emacs a lot easier.
And last but not least - you will need Linux. This package is tested and supported under Linux only (!).
If you wants to be on the bleeding edge of R and RGrace development install the R-devel source and compile it. To download r-devel source tree the best way is to use rsync (be sure that your firewall does not block 873 port):
mkdir R-devel
rsync -rC --delete rsync.R-project.org::r-devel R-devel
Then - cd R-devel ; ./configure ; make ; make install
After that download http://www.omegahat.org/RGtk/RGtk_0.6-15.tar.gz , and get from nearest mirror of CRAN new gtkDevice package (version 1.9-2 and higher, older versions wouldn't work!). As an option you can use development version of gtkDevice (0.5-4 with changes made by Paul Murrel), it seems to me the newer version behaves strangely when switching between graphic devices.
Install them under root account in this sequence (only after R was succesfully installed!):
R INSTALL -c RGtk_0.6-14.tar.gz
R INSTALL gtkDevice_1.9-2.tar.gz
After this is done you can install RGrace package -
R INSTALL RGrace_0.4-<x>.tar.gz (substitute x with actual RGrace version!)
If R INSTALL RGrace_... fails first check Makevars file in src sub-directory. In this file paths to gtk, glib and gdk includes and libraries are specified. Edit them to match your system installation.
After that you are ready to enjoy RGrace and to send bug-reports to me ;)

There used to be a port of RGrace to Gtk2 (with home-made Gtk2 binding to R-language - adaptation of Duncan Temple Lang RGtk package). But it proves to be a nightmare the way locales are handled in Gtk2 (which is fully utf8 now) and R, so I lay it off for some time until I will be ready to drop KOI8-R locale, I am used to, in favour of UTF8 one. If you are interested, results of my experiments as well as some tips on installing and running it you can find here.


Stable release


Run R and issue command library(RGrace).
After that you can call plotting window by command figure() or plot something at once by command ggplot(c(1,2,3,4),c(1,2,3,4)) (or any other numerical vectors). ggplot() is a shortcut for figure()$panel( )$element(c(1,2,3,4),c(1,2,3,4)).
When data is plotted you may change its appearence by GUI controls that are located at slide panel to the left of plotting area.

GUI Help.

Note Please! This information is quite outdated and will soon be removed from this site. For valid information look into RGrace manpages, i.e. library(help=RGrace).
Some "theory". You can have in R sessiom multiple figure()'s, in each of them may be severals panel()'s and in each panel (i.e. 4 axes with labels and tags) may be several data curves ("elements") and text annotations bound to these axes coordinate system ("native units" in terms of grid package). In every moment only one of figures is active and current.Figure global variable holds currently active figure. "Current panel" may be chosen by combo box in  this figure or selected from console by command current.Figure$panel(select=x) where x is panel number and x corresponds to position of this panel in combobox. Plotting is done by command ggplot(x,y) with suitable data vectors x,y and output of this command will be directed to current panel inside current.Figure(if either of them does not exist it will be created). You can in any time create blank figure or panel by command figure()->fig and fig$panel() and assign returned values to variables (this functions has an side effect of setting current.Figure and "current panel" to returned values). Say you have created panel as current.Figure$panel()->SavedPanel. Then in any time you may add plot to SavedPanel (irrespective what "current panel" is) by command SavedPanel$element(x,y) (should I mention what SavedPanel$element(select=num) return you a element's "handle" for editing/contemplating?). Selecting/setting annotations works just the same - SavedPanel$annotation("test label",x=1,y=1) (or SavedPanel$annotation(label=list("test label",expression(frac(x,y))),x=1,y=1) - for multilined text) to add annotation and SavedPanel$annotation(select=num) to select an existing num'th one. Figure selecting can not be done through  command line (DO NOT do asignments to current.Figure variable !) but usually this is not needed - then you edit plots, panels, annotations through GUI current.Figure is set to the figure you will expect changes will be applyed to.
The most  obvious side effect of all these commands is graphic output produced in drawing area of the figure and also changes in GUI controls located on left hand slide panel (then you first opens figure slide panel is collapsed and you should drag its handle to make it visible).
It has a notebook with "Panels", "Elements", "Annotations" pages and short menu. Let us look at the notebook:


Here you can select and edit properties of panels(axes) located in this figure.
"Apply" button - changes you made in GUI controls are submitted to panel after this button is pressed.
"Add New" button - add new blank panel with default values. Make it the current one.
"Delete" button - delete the current panel.
"Autorange" button - rescales current panel so all elements in it will be shown.
Unnamed combo box - list of panels in this figure. Selecting entry in it made selected panel current. Also updates GUI controls with the panel properties values.
"X Range", "Y Range" text entries - max and min values for panel's X,Y axes.
Notebook "Left","Bottom","Top","Right" with two entries on each page for controlling corresponding axes ticks positions,labels and its title. Axis title may be plain text (in this case you should quote text title in Label text entry) or any mathematical formula (see plotmath in Reference manual) and should be wrapped with expression() command. Example you may see on screenshot.Blank entry for "Ticks" means what ticks are evenly distributed along axes and located in places with "pretty" labels. Specify Inf if you do not want ticks be drawn on this axes. c(1,2,3) - if you want 3 ticks in position 1,2,3.
NOTE. Note please that "ticks" parameter is string (class character) which is parsed and evaluated when it is first set or when panels's x/yscale are changed. This is different from other plot functions in R which take a numeric vector as value for at parameter. Evaluation takes place twice in an environment with RANGE and TICK.LAB variables set (RANGE is current range for panel and TICK.LAB is either "tick" or "label"). So you may specify the  value list(tick=c(0,18,22),label=c("Nothing","Enough","Too much"))[[TICK.LAB]] for axis ticks and have a graph like this. RANGE variable is provided in case you will want to override default procedure of automatic calculation of tick placement (for example if you want to draw non-linear axis, e.g. logarithmic or reciprocal ones).
"Grilled?" and "Ticks in?" check boxes - add/remove grid from panel and controls direction of ticks (inward or outward of plotting area).
"Panel placement" - set the position of panel with respect to figure's border.


Here you can select and edit properties of elements (data lines) located in the panel you have selected beforehand on "Panels" page.
"Apply" button - changes you have made in GUI controls are submitted only after this button is pressed.
"Delete" button - delete the selected element.
Unnamed combo box - list of elements in the current panel. Selecting entry in it updates GUI controls with element's properties values.
"Symbol:..." combo box - symbol to be drawn at data line's nodes.
"Line:..." combo box - type of line to be draw between data line's nodes.
"Symbol size" spin box - size of symbol in "chars" unit (see grid documentation).
"Line width" spin box - width of line in points. Zero means to use default line width (lwd field is not set inside gpar structure)
"Outline color" combo box - line's color ("default" - means what col field is not set in gpar structure).
"Fill color" combo box - the color data points are filled with ("default" - means what fill field is not set in gpar structure).


Here you can select and edit properties of text annotations located in the panel you have selected beforehand on "Panels" page.
"Apply" button - changes you have made in GUI controls are submitted only after this button is pressed.
"Delete" button - delete the selected annotation.
"Place new" button - clicking this button and after that clicking left mouse button in plotting area will place new text annotations in mouse cursor position inside current panel with properties you have specified in GUI controls.
Text widget - annotation's text. Each line can either be a plain string (class character) or mathematical expression (class expression). The same rules regarding quoting/expression() as for axis title apply. There is also one exception: you can use command BULLET(panel=n,element=m) (with no quotes) to have a graphical representation of m'th element from the n'th panel in the selected annotation. Note that this representation is persistent and does not track changes that you have made to data line. So after editing data line  you have to re-Apply changes to the annotation containing BULLET comand representing this data line.
"Color" combobox - foreground color of text("default" - means what col field is not set in gpar structure) .
"Text Style" frame - select here font size (in points) and style (bold,italic...) for the text annotation. "Apply to panel" and "Apply to figure" buttons set all annotations and axis titles to this style and size. Zero text size and "default" text style means what fontsize and fontstyle fields are not set in gpar structure). Note, please, that the slected style is not applied to expressions (math text) - in that case you have to explicitly specify style inside expression() command.
"Rotation" spinbox - rotates selected annotation counterclockwise.
"Framed?" check-box - adds a 2-point frame around annotation.

"File" menu.

Standard. "Save as","Open" allow you to save figure in file and to open it later for further editing. It saves figure as R-script which can be edited by your favorite text editor if something goes wrong. This "format" has also one nice feature - there is no questions of incompatibilities. You can save and open figure script files made in different versions of RGrace as long as R versions you do it in is compatible between themselves. And one more note - although the figure file itself is a text file, some objects are stored in it with serialize() call, so manually editing them may prove to be not so easy. "Print" menu is a fake. It does not print but rather creates (or overwrites existing one - you are warned!) "RPlots.ps" postscript file in the working directory.

"Edit" menu.

Operations with internal copy/paste buffer (it has nothing to do with X-selection mechanism). You can copy selected panel or element ("Copy panel", "Copy element" menu items) into this buffer and paste ("Paste" menu item) selected structure into the figure/panel in the same R-session.

"Select ..." option menu.

When you "click-and-drag" left mouse button inside plotting area some code will be executed depending on value you have set in this radio-menu.
Some "theory" again. Disgrace supports "hooks" mechanism which somewhat resembles one in Emacs.  So  beside "hard-coded"  default action  RGrace executes  when you click and drag  mouse pointer you may provide your own code to be executed. This is rather simple  -  just write a function  according to some template and assign this function to variable "on.select...."  in user's (AKA global) environment (it will be explained further).  RGrace looks after these variables and tries to call them as function when specific event has occured. All hooks are defined as on.select.xxx<-function(region,handle,index,data), so the same function may be shared among hooks, although the exact meaning of parameters may be different. All hooks are called when left mouse button is released.
"Select Annotation" - selects the annotation closest to "press" point inside current panel. It also  write  annotation's properties to GUI controls at "Annotations" page.  The hook is on.select.annotation with handle set to grid.text structure representing selected annotation. region  is a  matrix with coordinates of press and release poins. All other parameters are always NULL. Default hook moves the selected annotation from its position to the release point.
"Select Element" - clicking selects the element  closest to "press" point inside the current panel. It also  write  its properties to GUI controls on "Elements" page. It has  a hook  on.select.data with parameters:
handle - grid.grob representing element's structure (which is grid.data). See grid.get,grid.edit in grid package documentation.
data - 2-column matrix with x,y coordinates of element's nodes.
index - integer value - index of point in the selected element closest to  "press"  point.  I.e.  x[index],y[index]  - are  roughly  coordinates of the  point where you have clicked the mouse button.
region - matrix with coordinates of press and release poins (sorted in ascending order).
Default hook  exports all parametrs to global environment as .DATA,.HANDLE,.REG,.INDEX matrices.
Try to set on.select.element<-sort.data  for points in selected curve to be sorted according to x-values and curve to be redrawn.
"Select Region" - clicking and dragging sweeps a rectangular region inside current panel. It has a hook on.select.region with parameters:
- rbind(c(xmin,xmax),c(ymin,ymax)) - rectangular region
handle - grid.grob of previously selected element
index - indexes of points of previously selected element that are inside the selected region.
data - coordinates of the points of previously selected element that are inside the selected region.
Default hook  exports all parametrs to global environment as .DATA,.HANDLE,.REG,.INDEX matrices.
Try to set on.select.region <- delete.in.range and erase part by part selected data curve.
"Select Points" - just get coordinates of "press" point inside current panel. The hook on.select.points is called after every left mouse button click and whenever Esc or Return key is clicked inside plotting area.
Parameters are: region - coordinates of click point (if you have clicked mouse button) or NULL (if you have clicked Esc/Enter key) and data - 2-column matrix with coordinates of previously clicked points. When you hit Esc the first row (i.e. coordinates of last point selected) are deleted and after that hook is called. When you hit Enter the hook is called and after that data matrix is NULLed so the next click will call hook with data containing only one row. All other parameters are NULLs. Default hook  exports all parametrs to global environment as .DATA,.HANDLE,.REG,.INDEX matrices.
"Zoom" - click and drag zoom the selected area. No hook. You may restore previously selected scales by clicking Esc key inside plotting area.

Known bugs.

  1. Localization does not work quite well (it mostly concerns LC_NUMERIC field). So either  set locale in shell this way - export LC_ALL=""; export LANG="ru_RU.KOI8-R"; export LC_NUMERIC=POSIX (for russian locale) or use default POSIX locale.
  2. Although you can still use RGrace for displaying categorical data there is no support for this in GUI. For example: ggplot(1:10,(1:10)^2,size=unit(c(1,2),"char"), gp=gpar(fill=c("red","green","blue")),pch=as.integer(c(21,22,23,24))) will profuce a picture like this , where parameters for the first symbol only is reflected in "Element" page.


Paul Murrell - for grid package.
Duncan Temple Lang - for RGtk and RGtkGlade packages.
Lyndon Drake Packaging,Martyn Plummer and Duncan Temple Lang - for gtkDevice package.
And all R-project team for great data analysis software.
